Notary Services at Damato Chiropractic Center of Glastonbury
We now offer “Notary Services”
Please review this entire web page prior to visiting our office to help expedite service.
Location: Damato Chiropractic Center of Glastonbury (730 Hebron Ave, Suite 4) By Appointment Only.
Hours: Monday – Friday; 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Fee: $5.00 per Notary signature. Please bring exact change.
Notary services are also available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
You can reach us at (860) 266-1167.

The individual who requires the notarization and is signing the document must appear in person before the Notary. Two (2) signed forms of identification must be presented to have a document notarized:
- Photo ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.) – Current/valid only. Does NOT have an Expired Date.
- Credit card or bank card that meets the following criteria:
- Signed by owner (prior to presenting to notary)
- Does NOT have an Expired Date
- Name imprinted on card must match the name on the photo ID
- Signed by owner (prior to presenting to notary)
The individual should also bring the CASH ONLY fee of $5.00 per notary signature. Please bring exact change.
Notaries available at Damato Chiropractic Center of Glastonbury CANNOT notarize:
- Wills, I-9 documents, or “end of life’ documents (e.g. living will or healthcare agent)
- Documents related to citizenry and/or immigration status
- Vital records
- Staff notaries are NOT able to witness statements attesting to an individual’s competency.